Saturday, May 16, 2009

Altoid Tin Hybrid Project with "Are We There Yet?"

I had to show off my latest "sweet" Hybrid Project from my kit "Are We There Yet? ... It was so easy to make and I love the fact that I could make it from start to finish in one afternoon! It will not be my last one to make.. Special thanks to my creative team member Sarah Taylor for making such a cute layouts for this darling album.
Here are the printed sheets before I cut them:

This is how I laid them out after cutting them and rounding the corners and punching the proper holes in each layout. I used my crop-a-dile and it was super fast because I could punch holes in about 4 layouts at one time and I used the provided template to make sure the placement of the holes was correct.

After putting them altogeter using little craft jumprings I added a little string to the top one to use to unfold out of the tin.

This is how it looks when you open the lid:

And now the finished project just waiting for someone to reach for it, and to find such a sweet surprise inside!

Oh yeah, I am shameless... I put it right beside my "Soccer's A Kick! Cd Hybrid Album" I made of my grandson this year.

All of this was made with my 'Are We There Yet?" Altoid Hybrid Album and was created using my kit by the same name:



Both are available at Pretty Scrappy and Scrapable